Sunday, November 22, 2009

Studying Motivation

These days lately I have watched lots lots of Korean drama >.<

But what's the connection between studying motivation with watching Korean drama? The link is one Korean drama I have just watched (only to episode 5 though), which is "Love Story in Harvard". What about that movie? It is a romance drama just like a lot of others, but the difference is that the setting is a university with a very high rank, Harvard. There in the movie I saw the main male protagonist had to study really hard in order to get a good grade for a class which is professored by a very smart and harsh Professor. I really like it when I see there are people who study really hard (though this is a movie, I am quite sure the atmosphere there at Harvard won't be much too far) and it makes me want to do it too ^^

Anyway, wish me luck that I can catch up with my studies at university.

PS: I just realized some days ago that Sun-Hee's top picture in her blog is a picture with my letter on her desk >.< I am so glad that my letter was delivered there safely! Now i just have to wait for her reply :)

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