Saturday, March 29, 2008

Welcome to tidamation

This is the first time I write a blog, I hope this turn out to be fine.
Tidamation mostly will be all about me, tida, and my arts, which is now mostly about anime wallpaper.

March is going to end soon, and April is coming, which means...I will have less and less time online, since I am going to have exams. School has really caught most of my time now, as I am graduating this year (but before that... packs of exams awaiting for me of course). Next update... I am not sure, but maybe immediately after I finish my exams, maybe 7th April.

Design much or less is the default from Blogger. I'm hoping I can do something more suitable for me and my blog. And about coding... I know nothing. -_-
Anyway, I hope by starting this blog of mine, I can learn something new, maybe about expressing more of myself and maybe about design web and coding.

And, just for my convenience, I'm putting this counter here:

HTML Hit Counter

Anyway, Welcome to tidamation and enjoy your stay!

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