Sunday, November 22, 2009

Studying Motivation

These days lately I have watched lots lots of Korean drama >.<

But what's the connection between studying motivation with watching Korean drama? The link is one Korean drama I have just watched (only to episode 5 though), which is "Love Story in Harvard". What about that movie? It is a romance drama just like a lot of others, but the difference is that the setting is a university with a very high rank, Harvard. There in the movie I saw the main male protagonist had to study really hard in order to get a good grade for a class which is professored by a very smart and harsh Professor. I really like it when I see there are people who study really hard (though this is a movie, I am quite sure the atmosphere there at Harvard won't be much too far) and it makes me want to do it too ^^

Anyway, wish me luck that I can catch up with my studies at university.

PS: I just realized some days ago that Sun-Hee's top picture in her blog is a picture with my letter on her desk >.< I am so glad that my letter was delivered there safely! Now i just have to wait for her reply :)

Monday, November 2, 2009


OMG at first I didn't really put any thought to this, but today when I sent my letter, I wrote the FROM on the bottom right and the TO on the top left... Though the officer give a sign that it must be sent to the top left, now I am scared the post office will send my letter wrongly -_- If so then I will waste time and money T_T Aaaaaa!

Please... make it sent successfully to Sun-Hee....

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Finally I stop procrastinate finishing my letter to Sun-Hee >_<

Oh how I really want to say sorry to her. Now it's finished, I will send it tomorrow as soon as I can. I hope she still want to continue sending back a mail :) Now that she has deleted her account in interpals, it makes me worry so much T_T

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Computer Addiction and Sleepiness

Well, I guess everybody knows getting too addicted is not a good thing. After not knowing that I have been addicted in using Personal Computer, today I realized that a lot of bad things happened because of this addiction. (When I said using there, I mean such as playing games, surfing the internet, reading mangas, or anything for fun - as they are what I do 99% of the times in front of the PC).

The first thing I noticed, time. Being in front of the PC for hours seemed like a normal thing for me before; but after hearing some comments from my relatives, I started thinking and looking at how long does normal people use PC. I guess they use it only for an hour or two - while I use it almost from waking up until the time I get to sleep if I am at home.

Second, my activities. In front of the PC, it is whether playing games, browsing, and things I mentioned above. And well, doing educational stuff, hardly ever though. Similar with the first one, activities I could do now I can't because I have been too absorbed by doing fun things in the PC. Say it like taking a walk around the neighborhood or maybe reading books (whether school stuffs or not).

Third, my energy. I think this is the big factor why I think being addicted to computer (for playing) is a bad thing. Haven't realized that my focus and attention are all caught up to the monitor, I played until late night while there are classes the day after that. And in the class, I can't help but being sleepy and don't pay attention to what the lecturer says. This is the root problem for me since last semester. Being sleepy or sleep in class.

Though my grade on the second is still good, it's lower than the previous one. I had to catch up the lessons out of classes, and I ended up pulling an all nighter and the same bad cycle repeats. And when I have some free times I... procrastinate, oh great.

And now I guess I have to limit the usage of PC, so that I can be focused on my studies and other activities. Besides that, I am trying to do lots of other things so that I won't be sleepy in class anymore. Such as getting back to a healthy sleep times, from 23:00 to 06:00 everyday. Then drink tea in the morning to keep me more refreshed. And when I'm sleepy in class, I have to get some fresh airs, wash my face, get some chocolate, drink tea, or maybe coffee.

Well, I hope starting from now I won't sleep in class anymore :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Feeling hungry? Haha. The noodle was used for some design tasks of my friend, Tsuzu, whose major is design and visual communications. Hearing her tasks make me want to do that too ^_^ But she said the tasks were like hell. Oops, looks like being an art student is very hard too! I must not slack off studying my electrical stuffs too now.

Okay and now after the appetizer, I think I'll say some of my thoughts here; having a perfect or high scores must be what everybody wanted, and I do want it too. For this semester, I want to get a high GPA as well as active in organization. About last week, I wanted to apply to become one of the crews of a IT magazine in my university, quite famous I have to say. And I wanted to become the illustrator there in the team. And in order to apply for it, I have to make an essay about IT. Okay, then the deadline was 2 September 2009. I thought I can submit in on 23:59, but then about 20 on 2nd September, when I read the form again, the deadline was on 17:00... GAH, I MISSED THE DEADLINE!! And that’s what I get for being a procrastinator. One of my aims failed. These procrastinating things really get into me lately as well as being a sleepyhead in the lectures. I was like what? Sleeping almost in all classes, learning nothing... and at home stuck in front of the laptop surfing on the net, oh my, what a great things to do... Definitely won’t meet my aim if I keep being like this all the time. I know ranting will not help me, but I think one of my biggest problems is how I do not express my thoughts and how I don’t think out of the box. I have to be say my thought out and loud, and think creative. Well I hope by writing in blog, I can express myself more on daily basis, such as in a forum or brainstorming where up until now I tend to keep silent (not thinking about anything actually).

Have been learning to swim and play guitar lately. I am quite happy that I can do both of them now, but sad too because the level is too low and somehow I feel I do not improve. Maybe I have to practice more; have to get more confidence in myself! FIGHT! YAY!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Busy Oh Busy

Since mid July up until now, I have been really busy with the orientation on my university in order to join the electrical engineering council. A lot have been passed. Though almost all my time is used on the events, I have to say that this Masa Bina Cinta (MBC) helps a lot. Starting from knowing all other people, some things with the university life in the second year, and also a lot lot friend. The first phase was over on 17th August, and the second phase began right after the first one is over. Tired yes, but somehow I feel I have regained a lot of useful things through this MBC. Beside those that I have said above, I also get to temper my inner self, being a better person, learning soft skills and also life skills. Tiring, but fun. ^_^

I really have to write more often, expressing myself and also improving my writing skills :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Heo Young Saeng is flowery

Okay, today I have made my first wallpaper with real person as the subject. He is Heo Young Saeng, a Korean singer who is singing with his group, SS501. This wallpaper was requested by my new friend Kori in Poland ^_^
I am actually pretty happy with the result, especially the background of the wallpaper around Heo ^_^

I do not really know the person, so I just took a simple idea, flowers :) I was inspired by Peni's wallpaper by the way, her concepts are really really wow, five thumbs up ;)

Anyway, enjoy!