Saturday, December 20, 2008


Hello again guys!

Yesterday, my first day at Jakarta again, I finished a wallpaper with my friend, Peniko. The tile is Mustang as she got the idea from the song which was composed by Asian Kung-fu Generation. The original art was made by Yusuke Nakamura whom we both adore so much because the lovely art. We talked about this long time ago as we decided to give this present to our friend, Kiru. But yeah, as school did mean things to me by not letting me to have a lot of playing time (hehe, just kidding) so both of us could rarely meet on MSN and in the end postpone this wallpaper over and over.

It is very refreshing just to know that I have just finished a wallpaper and some other people actually like the wallpaper. Well, to get my wallpaper commented, I posted it here. Oh, and for you who want to know the real art by Yusuke Nakamura, you can see it here
If you think you want to say something about the wallpaper, feel free to say so, I will be very happy to hear your opinion ^_^

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