Friday, January 16, 2009

Lazy as Hell this Holidays

The title totally describes all. Wake up in the morning (well, usually afternoon because almost everyday I slept late) and then turn on my notebook and... there goes my everyday's activity, STARING AT THE LCD! Oh really, since the morning until late night again, I am practically always in front of the monitor. Whether it is playing games, browsing, reading some thread in forums, etc. Really have to get my body moving from this chair, really.

It has been a month since the new year came, and I still have not made my resolution for 2009. Really, I cannot bring myself to make up even one. Do not know why. (Maybe I should just stop writing this and make my resolutions now, :D) Anyway, I am sure I at least have to learn something useful this holidays, or make something I used to. Anime wallpapers, maybe? 

Okay, okay. Better get my ass off and do something :)

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